all seven puppies!
Well what an afternoon!!! The final tally in pups is SEVEN! Molly has been fantastic throughout.
3.15pm Black GIRL 14.5oz
3.25pm Black GIRL 14.5oz
4.20pm Yellow GIRL 14.5oz
4.30pm Yellow BOY 1lb1oz
4.47pm Black BOY 15oz
5.54 Black BOY 14.1oz
6.16 Black GIRL 15.9oz
They have all been checked over and seem 100% healthy puppies, I will need to check the umbilical cords regularly.
Molly is doing fabulously and has been so very calm. The start of the labour was not at all text book and nothing like her previous labours. Usually you get a period of time whereby they are pacing, nesting alot and panting. We didnt get any pacing or panting! She nested half heartedly about three times. I was checking her regularly and noticed at 2.55pm a sac had appeared, with no apparent contractions. It was a bit of a worry for a little while as we were wondering if she was going to get going, so to help Molly we put up a sheet across the window, to darken the room (she was in the utlitiy room). We neednt have worried as the puppy arrived safely at 3.15pm. We then managed to get Molly into the “labour ward” for the safe arrival of a further 6 puppies.

First and second born girls!