The puppies are all doing very well and putting on weight nicely. I have added some more photos to their gallery!
Molly is a devoted mother to her pups. Molly only has to call for “room service” and she gets her food delivered to her. We are having to feed her five meals a day to keep up with her nutritional requirements. I also give her nutriplus gel which helps top up her nutrition without bulking her up on food too much. She gets a boiled egg in the morning (as well as her breakfast meal), some cheese with her midday meal and is being given plenty of fluids regularly.
Normal fluid requirements for a dog is 50ml per kilo per 24hrs. So if Molly wasnt feeding her puppies she would need 1250ml a day. We are aiming to give Molly between 2 litres and 2.5 litres of fluid a day. In effort to ensure Molly does drink as much as she needs we are giving her water with natural yoghurt and a small amount of goats milk added to it. A perfect way to encourage a dog to drink lots of water!
We are enjoying cuddles with the pups. The puppies at this stage are spending alot of time asleep or feeding. Katherine took an opportunity in giving them all a big cuddle this afternoon.

Chief Puppy Carer Katherine with her latest litter of puppies!