Maggie and her pups

Maggie is the modern day mum, very attentive to their needs but also understands the importance of having time of, time out to herself to recharge.  With her needs in mind – Maggie has been having walks every day since the puppies were two days old.  The puppies have a heat mat should they need to keep warm or failing that they snuggle up to each other to keep cosy.


awww puppy belly at the milk bar!


If you look carefully at the yellow puppies eyes…. you will see a chink of black appearing, a little bit like eyeliner…. this is the start of the puppies eyes beginning to open.  With the black puppies it is all but impossible to view this precursor to the eyes opening.  I just can’t wait to see their little eyes peering back at me.  It will be a little while yet.

I have updated the puppy photo gallery.

Here are a few videos from today…

Melvin and Archie pop in to see the pups!

Sleeping puppies

The wigglers getting their fix at the milkbar!