Yesterdays progress…the puppies were 19 days old yesterday. Seeing the development of the pups going from hauling themselves around the whelping box to gaining some strength and starting to lift themselves up off the floor, to walking whilst fully weight bearing. These puppa’s are amazing!
I have had to clip their claws again – having only clipped them at the age of 10 days old!
Yesterdays video clips…
The daily weighing, followed by the roll call!
The puppies make lots of squeeking noises… they are also making little growls and woofs. So far I haven’t caught a little woof on video!
Then they sleep! Sweet little lullaby puppies±
Today they are 20 days old, we have a super busy next few days planned with the pups. It is worming time, we need to introduce them to solid food and we will also start putting them outside for a few minutes.
Here a are a few videos from today
Squirming Puppies – this is the best – I really enjoy seeing this stage as it is when you get the best cuddles ever.
A little video of them seeing Mumma appear!
Feeding time at the Milk bar!
Puppy Bundle (the best kind of cuddles can be found here!!!)
Photos added to the pups gallery
Yesterdays cutest photo!