With Christmas almost upon us it is an ideal time to remind everyone of the dangers of grapes and raisins. Your christmas cake, mince pies or christmas pudding will all contain raisins. Please be aware they are poisonous to dogs and can cause renal failure.
Please read this link on grape and raisin poisoning
As we all like to have treats at Christmas, the other thing to be aware of is chocolate. Alot of dogs may be well behaved and wont steal your chocolates but the vast majority of labradors WILL find your goodies (afterall they are thinking of your waistline!)
Please read this link on chocolate poisoning.
It has become a tradition in this house to take photos of the woofs with their hats…bless them they just get on with it now (I think so they can get on and play quicker!)
I am sure you will all have a safe and happy christmas!