Category Archives: Uncategorized

5 days old

The pups are approaching their first milestone – We monitor the puppies weight everyday so we can see if any of the pups are lagging behind a little bit or not getting enough chances at the milk bar.  It is … Continue reading

Small video clip

  A little video clip of the puppies “waving puppy” at the beginning. Click here

Who is who!

Some of today’s photos :-  they get into all sorts of different positions.  One of their favourite things to do is climb up Maggie (affectionately known as Mount Maggie!) spot the puppy who made it to the top of Mount … Continue reading

Little wrigglers!

Maggie and pups are in fine form, with the puppies putting on weight daily.  They have become surprisingly very active.  I don’t think I have seen such a speedy set of puppies at this age. We have been enjoying having … Continue reading

1 day old squigglers!

Hi peeps – just a quick update…Mum and babes are doing well. Puppies are thriving well and paddling about their little box gaining strength in their limbs. Maggie has high nutritional needs so a chart is being followed of what … Continue reading

The New Arrivals!!

We have had quite a day! Maggie started early labour signs last night which stayed relatively low key, until this morning.  The panting really got going, along with some episodes of being sick (which is common in labour).  Although there … Continue reading

Watch this space…. Maggie is in labour!

Maggie started first stage labour last night. The maternity suite is all ready for the imminent arrivals of our much awaited puppies. I will keep the website updated as and when I can for news of puppies. This is Maggie … Continue reading

Maggie at 8 weeks pregnant

Maggie is getting so big now and her tummy feels so hot.  So we are doing what we can to keep her comfortable. Today we put up the whelping box, Maggie seems to be quite pleased about this and has … Continue reading

Almost 8 weeks! The countdown is on!

I have had a busy few days – putting together my whelping kit for Maggie.  Getting everything sterilised and placing last minute orders for supplies we might need.  Labour notes at the ready.  The whelping box is going to be … Continue reading

7 weeks into pregnancy

Maggie will be 7 weeks pregnant on the 17th July.  We have increased her meal rations to cope with the growing demands of pregnancy.  As yet she hasn’t slowed down at all, but her tummy feels so warm in this … Continue reading