Category Archives: Uncategorized

Puppy play in the evening!

We are now at the stage with the toilet training and the puppy’s development to have playtime “freetime” in the lounge.  It is madness but wonderful to see them playing together on the carpet. The toilet training is going well … Continue reading

Another wet weather day

The puppies have done amazingly well with their toilet training – given the weather has been horrendous. Here are a couple of videos from yesterday… Dental check ~ (we like to be thorough at Marchstone!) Garden Fun Melvin with his niece … Continue reading

Puppy antics versus a mothers love

Have had a super day with the puppies.  It started with a clean pen.  Followed by antics in the garden! As this is my second post of the day – I thought I would post a couple of short video clips demonstrating things from … Continue reading

Beautiful Sunny day for my puppies

The puppies are very much enjoying having the garden to play in.  They are into everything and charging around.  I have had to resort to developing a new style of walk to ensure that I do not risk stepping on … Continue reading

Short update!

Im having a few computer issues… so it is has been hard to get photos loaded. I have managed to add some photos to the gallery. The puppies have gone up  gear and it has gone “menthol”  they are super … Continue reading

Time is flying by

My puppies are doing so very well that they are going to totally break my heart when they leave – so I can only stress the importance of keeping in touch with me (whichever method you prefer – email/phone/text/posting of photos … Continue reading

5 weeks old – a tribute to Cecil

We have had a busy day at Marchstone.  The puppies turn 5 weeks old today.  They have been wormed.  We also continue with the toilet training, the weather is hindering a little! We wanted to do something to acknowledge our … Continue reading

Who dunnit?

Scene of the crime : Whelping box Target of the Crime : Yellow Puppies Question : why have the yellow puppies been picked on? Evidence : Conclusion These puppies are at risk from being kissed to death BUT who is … Continue reading

Another wet day – what will we get up to!

This morning we had quite a result with one of the puppies – Mr Orange was trying to get out of the box and seemed a bit frantic about it.  He then circled around the pen rather quickly so I whisked … Continue reading

It is the man from Uncle!

We have had a special visitor today – a little pal called Fred.  This little guy is actually Maggies half brother and therefore an Uncle to the puppies!  Can you see the family resemblance?  Maggie and Fred share the same Daddy!  Maggie … Continue reading