Category Archives: Uncategorized

Second post of the day! 22 days old

The puppies have been in the garden for the second time.  We managed to time it so they did their wees outside! Yay good puppies. The photo gallery has been updated with todays action!  

What a special moment…

Maggie and Molly have been in the whelping box at the same time with the puppies.  It was so lovely to see that Molly was allowed to enjoy the puppies. It is a wonderful thing to witness, Molly automatically had respect for … Continue reading

This afternoon

Miss Pink in the garden! The puppies have spent time in the garden. they were actually quite adventurous which I was surprised about as that is usually on the second or third time in the garden that I would have … Continue reading

having fun with the puppies …

We have enjoyed playing with the puppies this morning.  They are enjoying a little bit of freedom on the carpet!  Got some training in – with them all sitting! yay…TROOPERS!!! Today is a fun filled day…. we shall be putting … Continue reading

Another Milestone being met

The puppies are doing marvellously.  They are now getting their deciduous teeth (baby teeth).  Some of the teeth have broken through the gums – so poor Maggie is having to get used to them during feed time.  The deciduous teeth … Continue reading

Puppies first meal!

Hopefully you enjoyed todays earlier update “Marchstone Minions” The puppies have enjoyed having the extra space to play.  Primarily we extended the whelping box to ensure Maggie can lay down easier as now the pups are so much more mobile … Continue reading

Marchstone Minions

  I have had confirmation of the pedigree names of the puppies. They are as follows: (allocated in order of birth!) Yellow Dog “Marchstone A Gift in a Minion” Black Dog “Marchstone Making Miracles” Black Bitch “Marchstone Made by Maggie” … Continue reading

at 18 days old!

Maggie’s puppies are now interacting with each other, learning how to play with each other which is so very sweet.   Im trying very hard to not fall for these little ones…..but it will happen as they are far too cute. … Continue reading

awwww my puppies are so wonderful!

The puppies are developing before my eyes!  They are putting into practice walking as much as they can between feeding and sleeping.  They are also able to sit up…supporting their heads whilst they are laying down.  They are wagging their tails … Continue reading

16 days old

The puppies are putting plenty of practise in with their walking skills.  It is lovely to see them striding along then toppling over, it is almost as though they don’t know how to stop yet! They are enjoying sitting up … Continue reading