Category Archives: Uncategorized

four puppies so far!

We have puppies!

Two boys so far, first – a yellow, then a black!   Will update when I can.  Maggie is being a brilliant mum!! What a star!

Just need to sit and wait…

The whelping box has been put up and we are all ready to go!   Here is Maggie at 58 days… not long to go now! Here are the cute collars that I have ordered for the puppies! I have … Continue reading

Maggie is 8 weeks – update on the development of her unborn pups!

Maggie is looking lovely and healthy.  The pups are moving about and very easy to feel  from the outside of her tummy.  We can also see the movement very easily.  This evening, finally I got to hear  puppy heartbeat – … Continue reading

Maggie is almost 8 weeks pregnant

My dear Maggie is definitely feeling the heat, so I am using a towelling bandana soaked in water to help cool her down.  I need to come up with an idea to help her tummy! I have finally managed to … Continue reading

Maggie at 7 weeks

With the help of my trusted puppy assistant here is the long awaited pregnant at 7 weeks photo.  Maggie is doing so well, we can feel the puppies moving so easily now, this evening I could see the puppies moving … Continue reading

Maggiemoo at 6weeks 2days

Here is a picture of Maggie, she is blossoming bless her – I think she is finding it very strange with so much activity going on in her tummy.  We have now increased her meals to three a day. She … Continue reading

Maggie and her unborn pups at 6 weeks

Maggie is blooming, a truly sweet girl loving to have extra cuddles, I imagine her tummy does feel rather weird to her! Just look at her tummy!! As a precaution I have had Maggie scanned today and to see the difference … Continue reading

Preparations in progress

We do have lots of toys already, but part of the fun in having pups is buying lots of cute toys! I expect I will be getting a couple more before long!