Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tilly is 5 weeks pregnant!

I like to try and show the journey of the puppies as they develop, so here is a peek into Tilly’s tummy! Over the past five weeks a lot of changes will have been taking place. The fertilised eggs do … Continue reading

Fireworks….such a nuisance for some animals and people too

Hi there I hope this post finds you well. I havent posted about the firework campaign for a while.  The Firework abatement group have been campaigning long and hard for a change in regulations. The Government petition to ban fireworks … Continue reading

Tilly has completed her health tests!

Whoop – good news.  A couple of weeks ago we had Tilly’s hips and elbows scored.  We have just got the results back today. I am very pleased to confirm the following scores:- Hips 5:5 Elbows 0 This now means … Continue reading

Sad day for Marchstone Labradors

We have had to say goodbye to our dear boy Charlie.  My gentle bear. read my tribute to my boy, Our Angel Pawprints Love my Charlie bear, forever and more.  He will always be in my heart. Love Mum xx  

and then there was one…

Today we saw Miss Yellow off to her new home. A beautiful angelic little puppy.  It is always sad saying goodbye to the puppies, however it is now time for new beginnings. Here’s Miss Yellow in her sending off photo… … Continue reading

and then there were two

The lovely Mr Red went to his forever home today.  So we are now left with Miss Yellow and Miss Lilac. Mr Red is a smashing little boy.  As are all the other boys. (and of course the girls are … Continue reading

only yellows left…

aw today has been hard…. Mr Blue has now left for his forever home. I know all my buyers are lovely lovely people and this does help, nonetheless saying goodbye is hard. Here is my favourite photo of Mr Blue … Continue reading

and then there were four :(

The puppies are now 8 weeks old, which can only mean one thing – that they start to leave their first home.  I should be feeling proud of my puppies and the wonderful homes they are going to – but … Continue reading

Homing Day tomorrow…

The pups have been perfectly well after their vaccinations.  They have been busy enjoying the good weather, doing some gardening (yes… we have some diggers!), whilst I have had to get on with sorting out the puppy packs! Here are … Continue reading

Almost 8 weeks

The puppies have all had their vet checks and some have had their vaccinations too.   The vet was very impressed with them.  First time in the car and first time at the vets.  They were really good in the … Continue reading