Category Archives: Uncategorized

Little pip-squeaks

I am in love with the little pip-squeaks.  They are a lovely litter, not very noisy at all.  (early days though! they perhaps are saving it for maximum effect!!). Yesterdays diary entry was entered early in the morning, since the … Continue reading

They can walk!!

Exciting times….at just two weeks old! The little pupsters are really giving walking a good go – they are wobbly and fall over but they are giving it a go.  Clever puppies! So sweet… I will get some better quality … Continue reading

NEWS FLASH! Milestone reached!

So exciting- the Yellow bitch (now wearing a pink collar, was Miss Lilac) her eyes have opened! Smashing! This will mean no photographs until all eyes are open and the pups have had time to adjust to their new world! … Continue reading

12 days old

Today I had to clip the puppies claws – I was hoping to wait until Katherine was home to help me however I managed to do it without to much of a problem.  I waited for them to be fast … Continue reading

11 days old

The pups are progressing well, all of them are putting on weight nicely.  The pups don’t feel so fragile when I cuddle them.  They are getting stronger day by day, the muscles getting stronger to support their body weight.  I … Continue reading

Maggie and her pups

Maggie is the modern day mum, very attentive to their needs but also understands the importance of having time of, time out to herself to recharge.  With her needs in mind – Maggie has been having walks every day since … Continue reading

The puppies are developing so fast!

I am finding it hard to think they are only just over a week old.  The puppies are doing so well, they have taken me by surprise today – that they are trying really hard to actually lift their bodies … Continue reading

A couple of video clips!

I have spent the evening sitting in the whelping box, we often refer to the whelping box as the puppy pot (so don’t panic… it is referring to the box with affection, for years now, it has been known as … Continue reading

A Week Old!

Yesterday marked the puppies being a week old!  They are growing so quickly that now they don’t feel so small when I pick them up and they feel like little chunky monkeys! At 6 days 3 of the puppies had … Continue reading

First Milestone

Today marks the first milestone being reached.  That is their birthweight being doubled in less than a week.  Three of the puppies have reached double their birth weight at 6 days.  When it is considered good for a puppy to reach … Continue reading