Melvin is turning into a fine little boy. Out on a walk he is really taking everything in his stride, having a little explore before racing back. He is learning to sit stay nicely and his lead work is coming on. Characteristically he is just like his mum he needs his cuddles and the luxury of sofa cruising. Though he has now taken sofa cruising to another extreme!

Melvin asleep on top of the corner of the sofa!
Melvin is now firmly part of the gang. He gets to choose who he can play with. He is a lucky boy he is always playing with his mum but he also gets to choose between his half brother Stanley, his step dad Archie or Charlie to play with. Failing that Lucy the cat will get leapt upon alongside an unsuspecting rabbit!

L-R Stanley, Molly, Archie, Charlie and Melvin at the front! What a happy family!
Melvin has lost a few of his teeth – as yet we havent found any of them. So teething is well under way. We have provided him with plenty of rope toys and hard rubberised toys for him to get his mincers into. Luckily we havent suffered any loss of our own possessions…. yet!