Had a lovely walk at Wembury beach today. The dogs were having a great time playing in the sea. We were doing some training work with them when a photographer came along and took lots of photos of them all. It is very rewarding to see your dogs being photographed by someone else because of how good they can sit! This is the second weekend in a row that we have had impromptu photo shoots with them! I hope I get emailed the pictures!
To finish off our walk we left the dogs in a sit, stay on the beach. Leaving them whilst we walked off the beach. Everyone was watching with sheer disbelief that five dogs could sit so nicely! I felt so proud as Dave and I walked away, then seeing our dogs roaring towards us when we recalled them was really satisfying. Quite an achievement and testament to the fact putting the effort in does pay off.
To finish my diary entry here is a photo of Melvin at 8 weeks old. It was taken by one of my customers – how cute is he?!!

Melvin - what a cute boy!