Happy Birthday Pups! I cant believe this time last year we were all recovering from what was a very long night indeed! The safe arrival of 8 puppies gave us all enormous joy for the eight weeks the pups stayed with us.
I have enjoyed hearing from various owners of puppies letting me know how they are getting on. Im very proud of Sam for learning to swim at 5months! (and his owners have taught him a trick too! SPEAK SAM!! so very cute!). Amber has turned into a lovely little confident pup though very recently has been doing a few naughty things in retrieving things to her “mum” that were a little bit grim! I have received lots of photos of Tess during the year, she is a gorgeous girl! Summer is doing very well in her home too. The owners of Rocky are chuffed to bits with him and Marley has settled into his home well. Since putting this post on this morning…. I have seen some amazing photos of Rocky and Marley – made me feel very emotional to see how handsome they both are! Bunty I see most days and is a very outgoing pup, she is quick to learn and has amazing “springy” capabilities though I will say they dont match Melvin’s bounceability! (who can leap so high I gasp every time – still). Melvin is one of those dogs that I think may well get labelled our dog in a million. He still thinks he is a little pup and sleeps on the corner of the sofa, with his legs hanging everywhere!
Happy Birthday PUPS!!

Stanley, Molly and Melvin
Stanley (half brother to pups) and Molly would like to wish the puppies a Happy FIRST Birthday!