Please be so careful with this extreme heat. So the heat can be retained in hard surfaces such as pavements and your patio slabs in the garden! So don’t let your animals walk on these surfaces which could be boiling hot and cause burns! You can hose down the garden patio to take the heat out. Be aware the heat can be retained for quite some time so do the hand test. If you cannot leave your hand on the patio for longer than 5 seconds then it is too hot. Please use your common sense!!!
We have made a shelter in the garden by putting a ‘roof’ over one corner of fencing. Using the fencing will help with air flow at the sides. The puppies are not being left in the garden in the heat of the day as even in the shelter the air can become too warm.
Things you can do to help your animals and what we have been doing for our puppies and dogs, is spraying them with water, they have the paddling pool which they can walk into safely and giving them little ice pops. The puppies have liked the yoghurt ice pops – I have chopped them into small little bite size pieces to ensure the pups are safe eating them. Make sure you leave plenty of water available. It is so important to keep your animals hydrated.
If you are concerned your animal may be suffering with heat stroke please do not dowse them in freezing cold water! place a towel on them and spray them with cool water. This towel will need to be kept cool as it absorbs the heat from the animal. The importance of doing it this way is to have even displacement of the cool water. It is very important that the towel is also kept cool by continuing to add water to it. DO NOT COOL your over heated animal with VERY COLD water as the animal will go into shock.
PLEASE do not let your animal over heat. Use cooling mats, cooling bandanas, do NOT walk in the heat of the day. Keep hydrated and if you are in any way concerned about the welfare of your pet.. PHONE YOUR VET!
Basic Health Checks – how to check hydration.
So puppy videos from the past couple of days….
Coming for kisses, ready or not
Mealtimes take less than a minute!
Puppy cruelly attacked by a blanket
Time with Wilma is time well spent
Wilma playing with her siblings
Hello is it me you are looking for?
Mr Blue thinks he can move faster than his little toe beans!
Its a pups life, play, eat, sleep, repeat