It has been so hectic that I just haven’t had a chance to keep up to speed with the videos (there are still more to sort out). With two videos after four had left!!! I am now left with two puppas! They are doing great. I have heard back from the four puppy owners and all are happy!
The puppies nursery
Beautfiul puppas
slo mo pupppies
Now stay very still Im just checking your teefs
Miss purple is actually a toy dog not a real pup (do not treat pups like toys!)
Going for a stroll in great grannies pushchair – taking the two last pups out for a walk in the pushchair so they can experience life outside in safety! (and save my arms!!!)
you have one job (and you failed!)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Puppies being greeted by Mumma, Wilma and Nonna
My special puppies! They are all cracking little puppies
Puppy photo gallery updated … scroll through as some older photos have been added, but still in chronological order (photos of puppas in the Marchstone Labradors)