Author Archives: Heidi

4 weeks old

We are now half way in with having our beautiful puppies! They are such sweet adorable pups. Yesterday they were 4 weeks old – we celebrated this milestone with a weighing and clipping of the claws. Clipping claws is an … Continue reading

What are the pups up to?!

22nd June Wilma is taking on the role of puppy sitting. She checks in on the pups regularly. Wilma likes to bring the puppies toys, I think with a small agenda of taking away a different toy! She cleans them … Continue reading

25 days old!

Watching them come on in leaps and bounds continues to fill me with awe! They are so confident in the garden that it astounds me they seem to have so much confidence at this tender age. Here are a few … Continue reading

The Puppies are just over 3 weeks old!

There development is now racing ahead! They are playing with each other and also starting to pick up toys. It is just pure joy watching these puppies! They are making lots more woofing noises (which is just adorable!!!). Today they … Continue reading

A busy day at Marchstone

The pups have turned three weeks old today. The day starts with a roll call! This is when I check them over and weigh them. I have been weighing them daily for the past 3 weeks, from this point going … Continue reading

Puppies are now 20 days old

Yesterdays progress…the puppies were 19 days old yesterday. Seeing the development of the pups going from hauling themselves around the whelping box to gaining some strength and starting to lift themselves up off the floor, to walking whilst fully weight … Continue reading

18 days old

Just who was it who said they are sleeping too much! …. Now there is no stopping them! So… I have taken quite a few videos today – so with some editing and tweeking – these are the final few. … Continue reading

17 days old

so yesterday they were 17 days old!! They are getting so busy! The pups are spending more time awake now, which is lovely as I am getting to see more and more of their beautiful eyes and tottering footsteps. They … Continue reading


15 days old :- The puppies are being super cute, with one pup now starting to wag their tail! Here is a video at 15 days old as you can see they are pushing up off the vetbed. They are … Continue reading

2 weeks old !

These little puppies are capturing my heart! This morning we had a few more little eyes peeping back at us and then throughout the day they have opened. Anyone who knows me, will know just how much this means to … Continue reading