Category Archives: Uncategorized

Maggie playing with Archie!

Cute video of Maggie and Archie playing. This video needs to be played with volume as Archie is making lots of little growly noises but is playing so gently with Maggie it is really sweet! Maggie and the rest of … Continue reading

Happy Birthday to Molly and Archie’s Litter 2009

Harry, Stanley, Holly, Ruby, Tango, Sunni-Jim, Megan and Murphy are FOUR years old today!!!!  Hope you have all had a lovely day.  It is so hard to believe that it all started in the late hours of the evening of … Continue reading

Worming day is here again!

Just a little reminder to worm your puppy, they can be wormed monthly from today. (monthly until 6months of age). Maggie is doing brilliantly and so so confident!  She races about on a walk, doesn’t need to be in the … Continue reading

The pups are almost 12 weeks old!

Just a quick diary entry to remind everyone to change the feeding routine from four meals to THREE meals a day. Take the overall total quantity of food they are used to having currently and now divide that into three!  … Continue reading

Maggies first trip to the beach!

We took the gang to Bovisand beach!  They had a great time and Maggie LOVED it!  She went into the sea and also did a little bit of digging. We had a lovely time watching the dogs playing together.  Im … Continue reading

Dont forget worming day for the puppies!

Today is worming day for all of the puppies (although Maverick is a few days later due to rehoming day!)  Hope it goes smoothly for all of the puppies – Im sure it will as they are growing into bigger … Continue reading

Maggies first day out off the lead!

Maggie has had an absolute hoolie out on her walk today!  She wasn’t at all scared she was off investigating straightaway!  Maggie went bananas racing about.  She has spent quite a bit of time in her bed as a result. … Continue reading

The last puppy left the nest yesterday

Well we now have just the one puppy, Maggie, as Poppy went to her new home yesterday. Im really pleased to have had reports that Poppy has settled into the new home with 100% ease.  She slept all night with … Continue reading

Almost over……

Well here we are, the last evening of having two puppies.  The puppies are 9 weeks and 2 days old.  Very confident and full of themselves charging about the living room. The toys all looking a little bit worn around … Continue reading

Maggie and Poppy are becoming very efficient in a varierty of careers!

My wonderful puppies are an endless source of entertainment as well as continuous exercise – who needs a gym eh?! As previously mentioned they are getting very good at gardening, but now they seem to be excelling themselves with paperwork … Continue reading