Category Archives: Uncategorized

Another fun filled day at Marchstone!

We have had a busy day with the pups.  They are learning how to do the gardening (decided some of the lawn needed removing!)  also learning how to prune plants. They have had plenty of time in the garden playing with … Continue reading


What a beautiful girl my Maggie is!

Homing day for Maverick

I hadn’t spotted this until I loaded the photos onto the computer.  Katherine had put on the right hand side….”don’t go Maverick!” Maverick has now just left to start his new life with my friends Sam, Steve and Thomas.  He … Continue reading

Molly is enjoying her puppies

Molly loves playing with her puppies, something that is always a bit tricky for her when they are all trying to suckle from her.  Once she gets the nack of getting them to leave her alone she does like to … Continue reading

From Seven to Three…

Today we said goodbye to the wonderful little Miss Red – she is called Star! This little pup is going to be filling a gap for the new owners who had to say goodbye to their much loved Sky on … Continue reading

two boys leave the nest.

We started the day with six, come early afternoon there was five puppies then by 5pm we only had four pups left. A favourite picture of the day: The update for end of the day…  

A lovely Surprise for Mylo’s owners!

Whoever said I cant keep a secret….they are wrong!!!!  As I can ! and here is the proof….Mylo’s owners (blue pup!) have come to collect their little boy and I was able to reveal a lovely surprise for them. A  Cilla … Continue reading

and then there were six

This is definitely the hardest bit, saying goodbye.  dear little Scrumpy has gone to her new home.  I have already heard she is doing well and investigated the garden fully as well as enjoying her very full toy box. Tomorrow…. … Continue reading

Last evening wth 7 puppies

It has always been traditional to take a special photograph on the last night before they start to go to their new homes. It is with mixed feelings I post.  I am delighted with all the new owners and am … Continue reading

Vaccinations went well

The puppies have all been a clean bill of health by the vet and were very good when they had the vaccination.  They were very well behaved as this was the first time they had been in a car for … Continue reading