Category Archives: Uncategorized

Collar change!

Today has bought about the next phase of collars.  Usually I need to do this at about 7 weeks when the puppies become so active.  So the collars were changed today. Miss Blue (Maggie) has gone back to PURPLE! (Stanleys … Continue reading

Another busy day at Marchstone!

The pups have spent a lot of time playing in the garden, I have taken quite a few photos today so there will be some new pictures to see in the gallery. I have now taken all seven puppies individually … Continue reading

Puppies are lovely and….

fast!!!! I hope you are all ready for mischief with your new bundles!!!!  The puppies are just so funny to watch.  They are playing in the garden so happily “galloping” about! Feedtime is quite simply CRAZY! We had a visitor … Continue reading

Yesterday they reached 7 weeks!

Another busy day with the pups – full of playing, scampering about the garden, lots of puppies ASKING to go out for a wee!!! yip yip!!!  take note – any whimpering at the door…. is them asking to go out … Continue reading

A little fun with the puppies!

The puppies have been having fun playing with the toy box. Packing up and ready to go to their new homes? Of course the idea was to get ALL the puppies in the suitcase…..!!!  

Had a fabulous visit yesterday!

It is always smashing to see my puppies again.  Mark and Rachel have Sam who is Melvin’s full brother and also Ben who is full brother to the litter we have now! I love how fit and handsome they are.  … Continue reading

Busy Busy!

We have had a busy few days at Marchstone!  The puppies have enjoyed a photo shoot with farlap photography.  They were exhausted after racing about for an hour, I have been given some of the photos and will be loading … Continue reading

Today the puppies are having their photos taken….

Today we have a professional photographer coming.  The puppies are going to have be on their best behaviour so that we get some awesome photos of the cuteness and boldness of our puppies.  The photos are hopefully going to get … Continue reading

The pups in action

Here are some videos of the little pupsters Melvin playing with the pups Melvin playing with the pups in the garden Katherine playing with the pups (Heidi’s notes…..117/119 to upload)  

My little pupsters

I love my little ones so much…already I am getting sad that their time with us is reaching the second phase of their lives.  I hate thinking of them going.  But go they must as seven pups having a hoolie … Continue reading