Category Archives: Uncategorized

Night time feed!

Just a quick post with a video of the toddlers  watch how they wake up when they realise Molly has settled down to feed a puppy!  This was taken on the 24th March when they were 13 days old.  Bless … Continue reading

Puppies at 13 days

All of the puppies eyes are either open or still opening which is just fabulous.  Until you get to see it first hand for yourself, It is so hard for me to describe just how wonderful this is.  I do … Continue reading

Pitter Patter – One by One

Here is a little video of them, almost in birth order! Pitter Patter – one by one!

11 Days old – we have reached “Toddlerdom”

The little ones are all tottering about the whelping box on their unsteady little padded paws!  So very cute to watch them taking their tentative steps.   They do look a little drunk and when they topple over, they do a … Continue reading

We are about to hit TWO milestones!!!!

Today the pups are 10 days old.  The puppies eyes are starting to open in a few of the puppies.  The eyeliner look in the yellow is becoming more “towie” shall we say!  The pink collared black girl, her eyes … Continue reading

Puppies at 8 days

I have added some more photos of the puppies to the gallery. When taking photos of the puppies I have noticed how they like to stay close together in puppy piles and this is normal for all litters.  With this … Continue reading

The pups are a week old!

Gosh it is hard to imagine that this time last week we were still adjusting to our new charges!  The pups are doing really well putting on weight daily.  They are gorgeous little puppies and I’m sure will provide a … Continue reading

6 days old

Today we have clipped the puppies claws!  They grow quite quickly and need to be kept short so as not to scratch Molly’s tummy.  It is one of those jobs best done when they are asleep! The pups are being … Continue reading

Im so lucky

Yesterday morning (16th March) Katherine greeted me, holding the three black girls.  Saying Happy Birthday Mummy, these are for you!  Im so lucky that I get to choose one of these puppies!

4 days old

The puppies are all doing very well and putting on weight nicely.  I have added some more photos to their gallery! Molly is a devoted mother to her pups.  Molly only has to call for “room service” and she gets her … Continue reading