Category Archives: Uncategorized

Video Clip of Molly’s Tummy (60 days pregnant)

Happy Mothers Day to all Mums and to our lovely Molly too! I have taken a little video clip of Mum-to-be!  The puppies are wiggling about all the time and I think it must be quite uncomfortable for poor Molly. … Continue reading

Molly is 59 days pregnant

I have taken a few photos today as it is the Puppies of 2011 Birthday – which means Melvin and his brothers and sisters are now 2 years old! So happy birthday to Sam, Marley, Bunty, Summer, Melvin, Amber, Rocky and … Continue reading

Molly 56 days pregnant

Molly is now 56 days pregnant!!  She is still very healthy and definitely glowing.  She crept on to my lap this evening and I was amazed at how heavy she now feels! We have roughly a week to go!  Everything … Continue reading

Molly 53 days pregnant

Here is a photo of Molly at 53 days pregnant.  She is still very cuddle and affectionate.  Flopping over for a cuddle at EVERY opportunity.  Molly has finally slowed up a bit on a walk!  bless her she isnt running … Continue reading

Mollys Tummy! (52 days pregnant)

Here is a video clip of Mollys tummy.  If you keep an eye on the top left hand side of the lit up area of Molly’s tummy.  You will see some movements from the puppies! Mollys puppys wiggling – I think … Continue reading

Molly at 7 Weeks and her unborn puppies!

I cant believe we are at 7 weeks already!!  I will be putting together the whelping box at the weekend and sterilising all the equipment ready for the big day. Molly is doing fabulously. She still wants to be able … Continue reading

YAY!!!!!!! We could feel the puppies wiggling around!

Last night Katherine felt one of the puppies moving about!  It is always exciting to feel the puppies!! It wont be long until we can hear little heartbeats using a stethoscope!!! I cant wait.  We are giving Molly lots of cuddles and … Continue reading

Happy Birthday to Molly – 6 years old today!

Our lovely Molly has had a special walk at Wembury point today. Here is a picture of the birthday girl with her boys! Here is a picture of the gang:

Molly at 46 days Pregnant and update on the development of the unborn pups.

Molly is now 46 days pregnant – just over 6 weeks!!! Which means…..more importantly…. we now have less than three weeks to go!!!!  I am now weaning Molly on to Puppy food so that she has a higher value nutrition food.  … Continue reading

Molly at almost 6 weeks pregnant

Molly is doing very well.  Getting lots of attention! Here are some photos of her growing tummy!