Category Archives: Uncategorized

Last day as a complete family ….

I have a little video clip of our puppies playing this morning and have also taken some photos of the pups in the blossoms….   It will be sad to see the puppies go to their new homes, but obviously … Continue reading

The importance of socialisation

If you want your puppy to be confident and happy then it is really improtant to get them out and about as soon as possible.  To expose them to as many new experiences as soon as possible.  Obviously whilst they … Continue reading

8 weeks old today

The wonderful puppies are keeping me on my toes, I can barely keep up with them they are so full of mischief! They have had their vaccination today and also the microchip.  They all behaved beautifully!  No squeeks at all! … Continue reading

Not long till my pups leave the nest…..

The puppies are fast approaching 8 weeks of age, on tuesday they will be having their vaccinations. The puppies have grown up so fast.  Their playing skills fully developed and being put into practise with the cats and the rabbit.  … Continue reading

my beautiful pups are so clever!

playing in the garden today, took loads of photos – already on the website! (!!) Took this photo – how cute is this?!!!

Lovely time in the garden

We spent the afternoon playing with the puppies and generally soaking up the sunshine.  As always Melvin is playing big bro and he HAS the stick, it is HIS stick, they might think they want it but it is HIS (and … Continue reading

7 weeks old today

The puppies are now very active! Today they stepped up a gear and were climbing over the barrier we had put up to keep them in the garden.  Using it like a ladder! LOL little monkeys!  They really enjoy the freedom … Continue reading

Lots of fun in the garden!

Here are a few video clips I have taken today. Ben Katherine, Melvin with his brothers and sister Melvin UP UP! Training time for the pups – SIT! (Dexter and Peaches!) Puppy Play Puppy Antics

Mayhem at Marchstone!

Our wonderful puppies are doing really well with their toilet training.  We get them out into the garden as quick as we can and so far, for the past couple of days we havent had any accidents in the house.  … Continue reading

So pleased….saw Marley from last years litter!

I was delighted to be opening the door yesterday to an unexpected surprise! My dear little Stevie – now called Marley, had come to give us a wonderful surprise.  It really made my day to see him.  I cannot express … Continue reading