Time has gone so quickly and the puppies are just smashing it! They are really cute delightful little pups.
Toilet training is going so well. All poos have been in the garden since my last diary entry (with the exception of one) this is amazing.
Most of the wee’s are outside and they are holding on long enough for us to carry them out. They seem to be asking to go out as when they cry, if we dont get to them in time, they will then wee in the whelping box!
You will have noticed with the videos that Wilma is featuring a lot with Tilly not in many. She is very well in herself but is on a learning curve with feeding puppies that have sharp teeth so hasnt wanted to stay around longer than necessary. However last night was a turning point whereby she actually had some playtime with them! (I do have a video but I haven’t had a chance to review it yet).
Before starting the videos (of which there are many – you might want to get the chocolate biscuits out!) I hope you can appreciate I take many videos which all need reviewing and not all of them make it, so it isn’t at all that I focus on any one particular puppy! The puppies love the phone and one of them made a video call to someone on facebook – completley by accident. I would have been so pleased to receive that random video call! LOL
The baby toys they have, are great for the age that I have them for as they are designed to be hung up on to cots, prams or on mobiles – so this is ideal as I can use the clips to hang them up in the whelping box or on the fence in the garden. This encourages the puppy to look at them and bat them about. They also love the baby toy that has buttons, lights and wonderful noises. Any of the baby toys you see in the videos will NOT be suitable for when pups go to their new homes as they will be destroyed relatively easily!
So hopefully you are ready to enjoy the videos – I love them all, but there are some in particular that really fill me with joy so please feel free to comment in the FB group if you like individual videos!
Slo Mo Angels (love this one!)
Puppies playing indoors
Bounce Skip Hop (Indoor play)
Puppy power
Wilma on Mum duties
Come on puppies, I have all the loves rght here!
Slo Mo Pink Panther
Wilma stealing a puppy toy
Puppies covered in milk
Cutest thing on the internet!!! (seriously – this is one of my favourite videos – so cute) …(with a mistake in the heading of the video on tiktok – unfortunately I cannot alter it!)
Puppies after they have had a bowl of milk
Wilma in charge of cleaning the pups up!
Bundles of cute puppies
Puppies need enrichment toys
Proud big sister
Puppy pile up
Whats better than puppies charging towards you? Slo Mo Puppies!
Puppies are intrigued by the baby toy that has buttons, lights and music?
Double Boop
Trio of Tots (Winnie the Poo)