The Puppies are just over 3 weeks old!

There development is now racing ahead! They are playing with each other and also starting to pick up toys. It is just pure joy watching these puppies! They are making lots more woofing noises (which is just adorable!!!).

Today they have had two meals in addition to their Mumma’s milk.

We have now completed the course of worming, a daily dose of panacur for three days. They hated it but we got through it without event (no upset tummies). No worms have been seen! We routinely choose to worm from the age of three weeks, repeating worming every two weeks until they leave. We will continue our course of worming with Drontal suspension (which is one dose a day). Tilly also has to get wormed at the same time as any potential worms can pass through the milk.

Another milestone has been reached – they now have their deciduous teeth (baby teeth!) so they will definitely enjoy having something to hold on to as their teeth finish coming through! So more toys will get introduced now!

The puppies have had several short periods of time in the garden today and I am delighted to say they have started to explore already! This is amazing for such youngsters!

So toilet training has commenced – obviously at this stage we are very relaxed about it, as we are creating a habit for them. This helps our future owners as it means the puppies should have a pretty good idea that the garden is where they need to go for wee’s and poo’s. All six pups did a poop in the garden this morning, and 4 did a poop in the garden this afternoon! What a result! Im so pleased!

Here are a few videos!

Puppies leaning how to play

Feeding time with Mumma (on the living room floor rather than in the whelping box!) they had been having a little scamper about before they went to their Mum

Engaging with their litter mates and climbing over their Mumma

Confident pups in the garden

Wilma adores her siblings I get the feeling that Wilma is going to make a good Mumma in the future! (If we are lucky enough to proceed with Wilma as she hasnt had her hips and elbows scored yet!)

A busy day at Marchstone

The pups have turned three weeks old today.

The day starts with a roll call! This is when I check them over and weigh them. I have been weighing them daily for the past 3 weeks, from this point going forwards I will be weighing once a week.

We have introduced them to puppy mousse. This is a guarantee for cute puppies being covered in food needing a bath afterwards. I am pleased to say they all enjoyed their first meal! Here is a little video of their introduction to food.

The puppies have had their first experience of going in the garden. As their world has been the whelping box up until now – it can feel overwhelming to have the sense of so much space around them. They took to the garden really well. They were only outside for about 3 or 4 minutes as it needs to remain a positive experience for them! This will be the start of their toilet training once they are used to being outside. We will now be using the next few days to get them used to the garden – where they are outside for only a few minutes at a time. Then depending on the weather and how the puppies are enjoying the garden, the timeframe in the garden will increase as we will be able to pop the puppies out more frequently which will be tied in with – every time they wake up, every time they have a meal of puppy mousse (which in time will be soaked kibble).
Garden video clip 1
Garden video clip 2
Garden video clip 3

Today is also worming day! So fingerscrossed for tomorrow morning!

Photos are added to the gallery !

3 weeks old on the 18th June (diary entry submitted on the 19th June)

Puppies are now 20 days old

Yesterdays progress…the puppies were 19 days old yesterday. Seeing the development of the pups going from hauling themselves around the whelping box to gaining some strength and starting to lift themselves up off the floor, to walking whilst fully weight bearing. These puppa’s are amazing!

I have had to clip their claws again – having only clipped them at the age of 10 days old!

Yesterdays video clips…

The daily weighing, followed by the roll call!

The puppies make lots of squeeking noises… they are also making little growls and woofs. So far I haven’t caught a little woof on video!

Then they sleep! Sweet little lullaby puppies±

Today they are 20 days old, we have a super busy next few days planned with the pups. It is worming time, we need to introduce them to solid food and we will also start putting them outside for a few minutes.

Here a are a few videos from today

Squirming Puppies – this is the best – I really enjoy seeing this stage as it is when you get the best cuddles ever.

A little video of them seeing Mumma appear!

Feeding time at the Milk bar!

Puppy Bundle (the best kind of cuddles can be found here!!!)

Photos added to the pups gallery

Yesterdays cutest photo!

18 days old

Just who was it who said they are sleeping too much! …. Now there is no stopping them!

So… I have taken quite a few videos today – so with some editing and tweeking – these are the final few.

Mummas Love

Toe Beans

Stop, Drop and Roll (fire drill)

Puppy play fighting

My personal favourite has been set to the Benny Hill theme tune.

A few photos …

The puppies photo gallery has been updated.

17 days old

so yesterday they were 17 days old!!

They are getting so busy! The pups are spending more time awake now, which is lovely as I am getting to see more and more of their beautiful eyes and tottering footsteps. They are walking with less falling over, it will become more steady as they get stronger. At just over two weeks old it is hard to even consider how far they have come in this short time!

They are getting so big that the yellow box previously used when weighing them has now been replaced with a washing basket!

Even this looks full !!!

They are so very cute, that whenever they are awake they are simply captivating.

I am still sleeping downstairs with the pups, so I have very broken sleep as I am waking up to check on them hourly and help Tilly whilst she settles down with them. Tilly is finding it harder to settle down easily as they are so big and mobile. Tilly also has got into the habit of expecting food before she goes in to feed them! (Tilly does need the extra nutrition however), Tilly is having high value food so that she doesn’t need to consume as much. (being mindful that too much food can have a negative result!). This means constant record keeping. Whilst some people may not keep a note of everything, I do as I then can refer back over the past few days or two weeks as to how much she has had and link it (if necessary) with what is happening with Tilly’s health. I know that Tilly is keeping well and healthy and equally can be instantly aware of any concerns.

It is very hard to keep loading up the videos (and saving them!!) when you are tired. I will try and get todays diary entry done today!!!

Here are yesterdays videos….

Just after being weighed

Cute little bundles

This is a seriously cute close up of the pups

Pop Goes The Weasel

Pups using each other as pillows!


15 days old :- The puppies are being super cute, with one pup now starting to wag their tail!

Here is a video at 15 days old as you can see they are pushing up off the vetbed. They are making little dog noises too – funny little woofs! So sweet! It is good to see these developments which show they are meeting their targets!

They are now doing some wee’s without being stimulated by Tilly. So my workload is about to increase!

Now 16 days old…..
Up until now the puppies have mainly been on eat, sleep and repeat mode. Today…everything has suddenly gone up a gear – the puppies are now starting to have periods of time awake in-between sleeping and feeding!

A few videos from today!

Tilly and Wilma with the pups
The beginnings of puppy play! totally on target for their milestone of puppy play movement !

Wilma and the pups

Too cute

2 weeks old !

These little puppies are capturing my heart! This morning we had a few more little eyes peeping back at us and then throughout the day they have opened. Anyone who knows me, will know just how much this means to me. It is not just the start of them accomplishing their milestones for me. I feel so blessed at this point to witness this special time.

I have a video from this morning

another little video….

I have taken some photos using a different lighting system so no flash was involved.

So today is classed as an official milestone day. So very happy!

Miss Orange

Miss Pink
Miss Red
Miss Purple
Miss Yellow
Mr Blue

I have also added photos to the puppies gallery.

13 days old

What a beautiful day to have puppies. I have felt so much pride in my pups today as they are reaching their milestones. One of the puppies has completely opened her eyes. WIth another pup not far behind at all. It is something that I don’t think I can describe enough just how special this is to me. Seeing their wonderful little eyes is honestly like looking into their soul. It is such a magical time. My heart was certainly full this morning.

Tilly is being a fantastic mum, very thorough with tending to the pups needs and feeding them relentlessly. As a result of how much time she spends feeding them, she takes any and every opportunity to have food. 4 meals a day plus all the extras (cheese/goats milk/nutriplus gel) is the aim. In reality she is probably having 5 meals a day as she often asks for a meal during the night too!

Here is a video with Miss Yellow – it was the exact moment I saw her eyes for the first time.

Two of the puppies are now in their next stage collars! Exciting times – it wont be long until all of the puppies are in their ribbon collars.

The puppies develop so quickly that they go from foam collars, to ribbon collars and then just before they are ready to leave me they are in either cat collars or small pup collars. It can feel constant checking and changing the collars but it is very important to remain vigilant and observant.

A video from this evening….

Cant wait to see what tomorrow brings.

12 days old today

So I didnt get to do a post yesterday – here is a video of them at 11 days old. They have suddenly become very active. It is really lovely to see their mobility improving (and the speed being increased!)

Apologies for the overlay of the audio I chose! I found something much nicer afterwards but cant get that as a link now. So watch with the sound down.

I started to clip their claws when they were 9 days old, it is a tricky task as they need to be still long enough for me to aim for such a small target without risk of over doing it! So I keep a list of which claws have been trimmed and then keep taking opportunities to finish the job! Today I finished trimming the remaining 2 puppies claws. So this will need repeating in approximately 7 to 10 days time. It is important to not clip their claws too short otherwise you could catch the quick which then bleeds, this then encourages the quick to grow longer (making it easier to accidentally cut the claws at the quick in the future).

A job that is done twice a day, every day, is checking the collars. They grow so rapidly that the collars can be snug overnight. The collars made of foam and do not create any risk as they snap easily.

They are making some lovely little squeeks and warbling noises but I am starting to hear little dog noises too that are not far off a little growl!

Photos from last night.

10 days old

The puppies are getting so big. This period of time shows such rapid growth where they have all achieved double their birth weight in a short space of time, just 7 days. Their mobility is getting stronger and stronger, it wont be long before we see some proper tottering about.

Three of the puppies are starting to show signs of their eyes opening – so hopefully in a few days time we will be seeing their beautiful eyes.

Today marks the start of clipping their claws. This is a job that takes time and lots of patience. It is very important to clip their claws as they become quite hooked in shape. I will be having to clip their claws every 7 to 10 days. If I don’t clip their claws regularly then they will cause lots of scratches to poor Tilly’s tummy and teats, as to stimulate the milk to flow the pups paddle their paws around the teat.

Here is an adorable little video from last night.