The countdown is on – three weeks to go

Tilly is now 6 weeks pregnant, her tummy is looking plump and a little saggy! Tilly has had a little morning sickness which I have been giving her ginger biscuits for. Other than the occasional morning sickness she is very fit in herself. Tilly’s appetite has increased so I have just started to give her a little extra kibble at bed time.

An insight to the developing puppies.

This stage of her pregnancy is where the puppies develop quite dramatically.  IF we were to xray Tilly’s tummy, we would be able to see the spines quite easily as the calcification of the bones is now taking place!

Between weeks 5 and 6 of pregnancy, the puppies will have developed their eyelids and also the little ear flaps will now be present.  The ear flaps remain closed until after they are born (opening up between 13-17 days old).  The ears look like little buds!  

The eyes also remain closed until after birth, opening up gradually at the age of 10 to 15 days.  (One of my favourite stages of development in a puppy is seeing those gorgeous eyes peeping back at you!). I cant wait!!!

The pups will also have claws growing on their tiny paws. At 6 weeks the digits are formed, although they do not have any pads on their paws. They have not yet developed any hair. You can also determine the sex of the puppy.

At this stage it is hard to guess how big they are but they will be at least 6cm – 7cm.

I now have to organise all of my supplies, get washing all of the bedding and sterilise all of my kit!

Tilly is 5 weeks pregnant!

I like to try and show the journey of the puppies as they develop, so here is a peek into Tilly’s tummy!

Over the past five weeks a lot of changes will have been taking place.

The fertilised eggs do not attach to the uterus until approximately 19 days. If the bitch has normal colour gums, you should see between 19 and 21 days that the colour of their gums go a little paler when the eggs implant. Tilly doesn’t have your regular pink gums so I can never spot this particular stage!  By the third week of pregnancy the embryos will be 5mm long, they progress in the following week to have developed little buds which will develop into their legs!  In the space of that one week they will have grown rapidly, growing four times in size!  They are now 20mm!

When Tilly was 4 weeks pregnant she didn’t have any obvious signs of pregnancy apart from her teats protruding and her chest being wider.

Tilly at 5 weeks pregnant now has quite a pronounced tummy!

The stage Tilly’s pregnancy is at now, the puppies will have developed eyelids and ear flaps (though they are not flaps they are very small buds).  The growth is rapid as they will have reached approximately 35mm.

Tilly is fine in herself, enjoying plenty of cuddles and being very affectionate!  We haven’t increased her food. This is a common mistake that people increase the food too early when all it will do is slow her fitness levels down at this stage, which is not desirable when we need her to continue being fit, not fat!

We give Tilly folic acid supplement everyday until the puppies are born – which she has had since she was mated. This helps with the development of the pups.

Fireworks….such a nuisance for some animals and people too

Hi there I hope this post finds you well.

I havent posted about the firework campaign for a while.  The Firework abatement group have been campaigning long and hard for a change in regulations.

The Government petition to ban fireworks has reached (and surpassed) the required number for signatures to be debated in parliament.  The Government have responded and the issues surrounding fireworks will be debated 26th November 2018.  This debate will be the third debate since June 2016, but not only that the second debate was earlier this year in January 2018

How YOU can help make changes!

First of all….
If you havent already signed the two petitions please do so!
Government Petition

The Firework abatement campaign petition ( has also surpassed in numbers.

We need further support from those who have signed.  Please write to your MP’s to let them know of your personal problems with fireworks.

I urge you to please contact your MP’s in advance of the debate about fireworks.

“Please attend the firework debate on 26th November at 4.30pm in Westminster Hall.
Fireworks cause me problems and as my MP I would like you to represent me.” [THEN add a sentence of your own.]

Without the key help from those who are affected by fireworks then changes are harder to achieve.  Please inform your MP of the debate and ask them to support you.

You can mention (in your words) the impact it has on you and your animals, the frequent but random timed fireworks are a nuisance, as it stands the law allows fireworks to be used 365 days of the year from 7am through till 11pm.  People cannot prepare for fireworks when the frequency is 365 days, that and the times they allowed, in effect is not a regulation at all.

It is time for change when you consider on top of the frequency of fireworks being hard to manage for animals and people who suffer distress, (many animals have died as a result of their distress or incurred horrific injuries) but there are other factors such as pollution and littering.  The chemicals, the impact on the NHS and Fire Services.  The misuse of fireworks when they have been reported to be thrown at people.    The problems associated with fireworks is far reaching and there is very little policing in place for the people on the receiving end of the problems that fireworks create.

Please sign the petitions and write to your MP.  Get your MP to attend the debate!

Time for change on an outdated law and that time is NOW.

Thank you!

Tilly has completed her health tests!

Whoop – good news.  A couple of weeks ago we had Tilly’s hips and elbows scored.  We have just got the results back today.

I am very pleased to confirm the following scores:-

Hips 5:5

Elbows 0

This now means we can consider having a litter with Tilly.  Currently she is a little young (in my opinion) so we would be looking at Spring 2019.


Sad day for Marchstone Labradors

We have had to say goodbye to our dear boy Charlie.  My gentle bear.

read my tribute to my boy, Our Angel Pawprints

Love my Charlie bear, forever and more.  He will always be in my heart.

Love Mum xx


and then there was one…

Today we saw Miss Yellow off to her new home. A beautiful angelic little puppy.  It is always sad saying goodbye to the puppies, however it is now time for new beginnings.

Here’s Miss Yellow in her sending off photo…


To all my beautiful puppies and their lovely owners.  I will take this opportunity of wishing you all well.  Lots of happiness in your new homes.  BE GOOD!

It is now my chance to welcome Tilly (Matilda) into our home.  Tilly is taking full advantage of cuddles on the sofa.  We discover rapidly, the need for our stargate!


Lets hope we can share many tales of the adventures our puppies get up to.

Puppies …. be wonderful! xxx

To the next chapter for our class of 2016!

and then there were two

The lovely Mr Red went to his forever home today.  So we are now left with Miss Yellow and Miss Lilac.

Mr Red is a smashing little boy.  As are all the other boys. (and of course the girls are really awesome also!)  We really have been blessed with such a lovely balanced litter.  No trouble makers and no noisy pups!

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So handsome!

I always do the pep talk before they leave their first home.  As I walk around the block with them I tell them all about the wonderful things they are going to experience.  Mr Red was the first puppy who made my arms ache before I got back home again!

Tomorrow sees Miss Yellow going to her new home – which will mark the start of Miss Lilac officially being ours.

only yellows left…

aw today has been hard…. Mr Blue has now left for his forever home.

I know all my buyers are lovely lovely people and this does help, nonetheless saying goodbye is hard.

Here is my favourite photo of Mr Blue


Im an emotional soul and how anyone can be puppy farmers is totally beyond me.  I have puppies because I enjoy the experience and love watching them grow.   Having learnt so much along the way about health testing and that every litter is different.  This litter contains 6 little heartbreakers, thank goodness I get to keep one this time.


and then there were four :(

The puppies are now 8 weeks old, which can only mean one thing – that they start to leave their first home.  I should be feeling proud of my puppies and the wonderful homes they are going to – but I do feel sad that two puppies have gone.

Mr Purple and Miss Pink have left today…..

technical issues…. please put your head on to the left hand side to view the photos.

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The Puppy gallery has been updated

Homing Day tomorrow…

The pups have been perfectly well after their vaccinations.  They have been busy enjoying the good weather, doing some gardening (yes… we have some diggers!), whilst I have had to get on with sorting out the puppy packs!

Here are a few photos from today :

Miss Lilac


Mr Bluedsc_0228

Mr Purpledsc_0241

Miss Pink


Mr Reddsc_0276
Miss Yellowdsc_0327

The puppy gallery has been updated.

Videos from today:

Is it dinner time?

Puppy playtime

It is hard to think – this time 8 weeks ago we were waiting for the pups to arrive and now – they are going to be leaving the nest.  It has been fun watching them develop into the good puppies they are.  Wishing all my puppies lots of love in their new homes.  Tonight is the last night as six puppies.

Footnote.. Toilet training has been going really well!  Fingers crossed they continue to do well for their new owners.